The 2018 summer school program was composed of 36 lectures of 45 mn. Courses included general and specific considerations about superconducting electronics :
- flux quantization, Meissner effect, proximity effect, etc.
- properties of low- and high- temperature superconductors
- physics and properties of Josephson junctions (SIS, SNS, SNIS, SINIS, SFS, SFIS, etc.)
In more details :
- theory
- low-temperature and high-temperature superconductivity
- proximity effect
- Josephson junctions
- quantum computing and quantum information
- detectors
- THz detectors
- SIS mixers
- Hot Electron Bolometers (HEB)
- Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs)
- Transition Edge Sensors
- Theory on SQUIDs
- Different kinds of SQUIDs : DC-SQUIDs, rf-SQUIDs, digital SQUIDs, SQIFs, nanoSQUIDs, …
- Applications of SQUIDs: Nano-SQUIDs, CCC, Biomagnetism, MRI, Geophysics
- Readout of SQUIDs
- superconducting digital electronics
- principles, Single-Flux-Quantum Logic (SFQ), eSFQ, …
- design and layout tools
- design of complex circuits : VHDL, digital versus analog library, ALU design
- quantum electronics :
- qu-bits and quantum information
- quantum computing
- cryogeny and cryogenic systems
- cryogeny at liquid helium and liquid nitrogen
- cryogeny for superconducting electronics
2018 summer school scientific program :

Lecturers of the 2018 summer school:
Mikhail Belogolovskii – Donetsk University – Vinnitsa, Ukraine
Ali Bozbey – TOBB University — Ankara, Turkey
Denis Crété — THALES — Palaiseau, France
Cheryl Feuillet-Palma — LPEM, ESPCI — Paris, France
Farshad Foroughi – Institut Néel, CNRS – Grenoble, France
Stefania Della Penna – Institute for Advanced Biomedical Technologies , G. D’Annunzio University — Chieti, Italy
Natascia de Leo — INRIM — Torino, Italy
Pascal Febvre — Université Savoie Mont Blanc —Le Bourget-du-lac du Lac, France
Coenrad Fourie — Stellenbosch University — Stellenbosch, South Africa
Carmine Granata — CNR — Napoli, Italy
Olivia Chen (Qiuyun Xu) — Yokohama National University —Yokohama, Japan
Johannes Kohlmann — PTB — Braunschweig, Germany
Juergen Kunert — IPHT — Jena, Germany
Sergio Pagano — University of Salerno — Italy
Alain Ravex — Cryoconsult, France
Jie Ren — CAS Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology (SIMIT) — Shanghai, China
Sergey Shevchenko – B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering – Kharkov, Ukraine
Ronny Stolz — IPHT —Jena, Germany
Boon-Kok Tan — University of Oxford —United Kingdom